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All About Dental X-Rays

If you go to the dentist often, I am sure you have noticed the first thing you do is get a dental x-ray. Why is this? Why do dentists need to get an x-ray of your teeth so often? The truth is there are several reasons why you receive dental x-rays so often. These reasons can range from monitoring your health concerns or how old you are.

In this article, we will help explain why you receive so many dental x-rays when visiting your dentist. We will also show you how receiving dental x-rays can greatly benefit your overall dental health.

Dental X-Rays Allow Better Visibility

One of the biggest reasons dentists recommend frequent dental x-rays is it allows them to see your teeth in angles and methods they can’t see from just a visual checkup. Many issues like cavities, gingivitis, and other oral diseases occur under the surface of your teeth and gums. Dentists use an x-ray to see any problems and prescribe help before they have a chance to get out of hand. 

Age Plays a Huge Factor in Dental X-Rays

I think it is safe to say that nobody likes getting old. You lose the speed of your youth, and it seems like every week, you deal with a new medical issue. Although, getting a senior discount and restaurants is nice so I guess it’s not all bad.

One area of your health that begins to deteriorate as you get older is your teeth. Your teeth are the front line defense of everything you put in your mouth. When you are young, you don’t think much about how the food we put in our mouth breaks down that defense. After a while, all the food you put in your mouth, especially sugar, begins to take its toll on your teeth.

It is for the above reasons why many dentists recommend that you receive more frequent dental x-rays as you get older. Receiving more frequent dental x-rays will allow your dentist to stay on top of your oral health and act quickly if any issues occur.

Regular Dental X-Rays Help You Stay on Top of Medical issues

Health issues associated with oral care are no joke. Many people don’t realize that bad oral health can lead to problems in the rest of your body, including your heart and lungs. That is why it is critical if you are diagnosed with any oral disease to make frequent visits to your dentist to perform regular x-rays to monitor your oral health. Here is a list of some common oral ailments that need periodic dental x-rays to keep under control:

  • Gum Diseases like gingivitis 
  • Tooth decay 
  • Bone diseases like periodontitis

Finding the Right Dentist

Finding the right dentist can make all the difference. You need to find a dentist that helps explain why they think you need dental x-rays and then prescribes the right methods to help you with your issue. Here at Main Street Dental, we pride ourselves on providing a professional and homey experience to all our patients.

If you’re in the Gresham area, we’d love to have you in!

When it comes to things like dental x-rays it is best for your overall oral health not to wait. Schedule an appointment with our general and family dentistry team by clicking Contact or call now: 503-665-8283.