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Is Chewing Gum Good for Your Overall Oral Health?

The age-old question of whether or not chewing gum is good for one’s overall Oral health has been debated since its invention. Advocates insist that chewing gum can help clean teeth by dislodging food particles as well as freshen breath. At the same time, naysayers argue that it can lead to tooth decay and increase plaque accumulation. This article will explore the issue from both sides to provide a more complete picture of the truth.

The Benefits of Chewing Gum in Regards to Your Oral Health

Chewing gum is a popular practice that can be beneficial in regard to oral health. For starters, chewing gum can increase saliva production, which washes away food particles and reduces the risk of tooth decay and gingivitis. It also acts as a breath freshener by neutralizing odor-producing compounds and increasing oxygen flow to the mouth and nose. Moreover, gum-chewing may enhance mental focus and reduce stress by calming nerves in the head and neck.

The Drawbacks of Chewing Gum in Regards to Your Dental Health

The downside of chewing gum in regards to oral health is that it can change the pH balance of the mouth and lead to tooth decay. In some cases, if the acidic environment is not quickly removed from the mouth, it can also lead to damage to the tooth-supporting structures. It has been shown that chewing sugar-free gum for twenty minutes has a negative impact on teeth, while regular gum with sugar does not have a significant effect.

What are the Experts Saying?

The honest truth is we still do not know one way or another if chewing gum can benefit your oral health. Dentists and other oral health professionals are split down the middle on the use of chewing gum. Furthermore, some studies suggest that the act of chewing in itself will not improve dental health. Others show that frequent, vigorous mastication (chewing) may keep the teeth clean and healthy by reducing tooth decay and gingivitis (gum disease). The difference between these studies is likely due to the kinds of gum used.

Be in the Driver Seat of Your Own Oral Health

If you are an avid gum chewer but are starting to get concerned about your dental health. The best thing you can do is reach out to an oral health professional to see the best options for you. The honest truth is that gum chewing can affect people differently. Pre-existing oral problems, the current care for your teeth, and the gum you choose to chew all play a huge factor in your oral health. No online article will be able to accurately recommend whether chewing gum is the right choice for you and your oral health.

Here at Main Street Dental, we believe in providing a care plan that is personalized for all our patients. We sit down with you to fully understand your dental history and current concerns so we can develop a regiment and routine designed to keep your teeth healthy and improve your overall oral health.

If you’re in the Gresham area, we’d love to have you in!

When it comes to things like chewing gum and understanding the health of your teeth it is best for your overall oral health not to wait. Schedule an appointment with our general and family dentistry team by clicking Contact or call now: 503-665-8283.